Investor Services |
Investor Services
Form ISR-4 – Request for issue of Duplicate Certificate and other Service Requests in terms of SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2022/8 dated 25-Jan-2022 relating to Issuance of Securities in dematerialized form in case of Investor Service Requests
Download forms as prescribed by SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2021/655 dated 03-Nov-2021 for Investor Services
Investor Awareness
Intimation to the shareholders holding shares in Physical form on availability of Dispute Resolution Mechanism at Stock Exchanges against the Company or its RTA
Please note that, an arbitration facility has been made available by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to all the shareholders holding shares in Physical form for Dispute Resolution, if any, against the Company or its Registrars and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) in our case M/s. Bigshare Services Pvt. Ltd. with the Stock Exchanges.
Accordingly, if you have any dispute against the Company or its RTA, M/s. Bigshare Services Pvt. Ltd. on delay or default in processing any of your service request, as per SEBI circular dated 30.05.2022, you can file for arbitration with Stock Exchange.
Company Secretariat, Corporate Governance and Investor Service Centre
The company has appointed Bigshare Services Private Limited as its Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) with effect from January 1, 2019.
Shareholders are requested to communicate / send / deliver all documents / make correspondence relating to transfer / transmission of physical shares, change of address, issue of duplicate share certificates, dematerialisation of shares and all other matters pertaining to shares of the company to the RTA at their following coordinates:
Office No S6-2, 6th Floor, Pinnacle Business Park,
Next to Ahura Centre, Mahakali Caves Road,
Andheri (East)
Mumbai – 400093.
TEL.NOS. (BOARD) +91-22-62638200/221/222 FAX: +91-22-62638299
Dedicated email id for shareholders of the GTL Infrastructure Limited is
Investors / Shareholders may also contact the company at its Registered Office at the following coordinates:
GTL Infrastructure Limited,
Company Secretariat Division,
Floor 7, Building A,
Plot EL – 207,
MIDC, TTC Industrial Area,
Mahape, Navi Mumbai – 400710.
Maharashtra, India.
Telephone Nos. (Board): +91-22-68293500
Fax: +91-22-68293545
Email-id for investor grievances: